Australia has some of the most venomous spiders in the world! Let us keep you safe with our spider treatment.
There are many species of spiders in NSW. The main concern is the Sydney Funnel Web, redback and white tail spiders. Control options for spiders, are clean and tidy yards, clothes and footwear not to be left outside, and general sprays of house, garden, yards etc.
The funnel web lives underground in the warmer months, then comes to the surface looking to mate. The male of the species is extremely venomous and is smaller than the female.
The redback, on the other hand, the female is the larger of the species and carries more venom than the male. These spiders have an erratic web and are found on the base of pot plants, window ledges, etc. We are fortunate today to have anti-venoms for the funnel web and red back spiders.
The white tail spider has a reputation of causing ulcerations, but there is no evidence of this. Some people may have a different reaction to their bite.